
Arcane is a captivating animated series set in the world of "League of Legends." It unfolds in the rival cities of Piltover, a hub of technology and progress, and Zaun, a dark and disadvantaged underground city. The story follows two sisters, Vi and Jinx, whose paths diverge dramatically. As Piltover aims to maintain its dominance, dark forces in Zaun threaten the delicate balance. The series explores complex characters, intriguing mysteries, and themes of power, sacrifice, and redemption, offering a visually stunning and emotionally charged journey into the "League of Legends" universe."


Vi (Powder)

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Vi is one of the main protagonists of the series. Formerly known as Powder, she grew up in Zaun and became a criminal before getting involved in events that changed her life.

Jinx (Ekko)

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Jinx, also known as Ekko, is Vi's sister. The two sisters take different paths, and Jinx becomes a central character in the plot, evolving into an antagonistic role.

Caitlyn Kiramman

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Caitlyn is a determined investigator from Piltover. She plays a key role in uncovering the truth behind the mysteries surrounding the two cities.

Jayce Talis

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Jayce is a brilliant inventor from Piltover and plays a crucial role in developing the technology that shapes the future of the city.


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Silco is a charismatic and complex leader from Zaun. He is involved in political affairs and power struggles that influence the fate of both cities.

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